Wednesday, February 1, 2017

DriveWise estimate discount drops for no apparent reason

Understanding the model used by DriveWise to determine how good a driver you are and the level of estimated discount is difficult because there seem to be wonky inconsistencies.

My father is on the program and his driving stats are better than mine.

On January 9 he had an estimated discount of 22.5% with 10.57 km/day

On January 13 his driving average went up to 11.37 km/day but the estimated discount rose to 25%

On January 23 he had an estimated discount of 25%

One week later, on January 30 his discount dropped to 22.5% even though he is driving on average only 9.4 km/day.

We were both confused by the decrease because my father had:
  • lower average daily drive (drop from 9.85 to 9.4 km/day)
  • better time of day (low and medium dropped and very low increased)
  • no speeding events
  • no braking events
The driving stats were better BETTER but the estimated discount dropped.
My father asked DriveWise why this decrease happened and the following is their response:

Thank you for reaching out to the Drivewise Support Team.
The estimated discount will fluctuate as data is gathered.
At 2 months of the 6 month program there is still a lot of data to gather and the program is still understanding your normal driving habits. The Estimated Discount is an estimation of the discount you are tracking towards.
Once the program is completed the final and earned discount will be calculated and you will receive an email detailing the earned discount and a high level summary of the data collected.

On Jan 23 2017 the estimated discount of 25% was later updated to reflect vehicle use and on Jan 28 2017 the estimated discount adjusted to 22.5%.

As the Time of Day information is provided as a percentage even increased driving can maintain the same overall time of day statistics.

What kind of an answer is this?
They did not answer the question.

The same thing happened to me but unfortunately I did not take screenshots at the time to track my DriveWise discounts.

On December 2 I received my first estimate and it was 20%.
On December 8 my estimated discount dropped to 15%
 - there was no apparent reason as I did not drive more per day, did not have a braking incident nor drive more at the "bad" times of day.

I asked DriveWise why this happened but they never gave a real answer.  DriveWise is excellent at giving "non-answers" just repeating their marketing stuff.

After that, since I do not drive much, my estimated discount rose again slowly and has plateaued at 20%. 


February 11, driving is at 8.7 km/day but the discount is still at 22.5%

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